New House

We still need to sign contracts to make it official, but I have a house! Or at least, a room in a shared house. So for the next nine months, I’ll be living in Leam again. This time I’m just around the corner from Bar 44, and as I said to Marty last night, way to close to the Cargo Home Shop for my liking. This could be a problem, as the room is nice and will therefore need lots of nice things to be put in it.

8 thoughts on “New House

  1. I’m as much needing details as you too, Mary…I know nothing. Will’s been a very bad boy and not kept in touch very well, and I’m stuck at home in the West Country (read: desolate Zombie-Ville) until at least Christmas.

    Do you have an e-mail address? I miss your weblog 🙁 And also want to pick your brains about moving out and away to London. It sounds fun.

    Love and hugs,


  2. *slaps wrist*

    I’m sure you’ll both know by now how bad I generally am at keeping in touch. Not having the Internet outside of work reeeally hasn’t helped, so I’ll try and make more effort once I get myself set up in the new place…

  3. Which, in all honesty, you could have told me about, seeing as you knew my desire to come back up at some point.

  4. Aargh, it’s okay, don’t mind me, home’s just making me grumpy. Ferkin-West-Country-and-its-zombie-hoardes.

    There’s a plea kinda directed partly at you on my blog, though, in other news. Please please pretty please please.

  5. Sorry, I’m rubbish.

    I did read your blog, but didn’t get any further than the Top Trumps bit. I’ll take another look in a bit.

  6. Matt – just using Will’s blog to communicate through. E-mail is mary dot hough at gmail dot com and now that am all broadbanded up there will be blog resurection 🙂


  7. Matt – just using wabson to communicate through 😉 e-mail is mary dot hough at gmail dot com and now that am all broadbanded up there will be blog resurection too 🙂


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