So my thoughts on The Automatic? Lots of energy and pretty good at what they do, even if their style is slightly, ummm, narrow. I can’t decide whether destroying your own instruments and stripping down to your boxer shorts live on GMTV is really cool or really stupid. Or both.
My thoughts on the gig? Standing next to the mosh pit can result in the odd sweaty fifteen-year-old hurtling towards you at high speed, which can be rather distracting when you’re trying to watch the god damn band. But other than that it was good. They got through most of the songs on the album as well as the Gold Digger cover. The warm-up acts got prettier better as the night went on too, although I can’t remember any of the band names, rather annoyingly.
Overall, not bad for a tenner.
Admiring: Some much better photos than mine
Wanting: A digital SLR for Christmas!