When your parents suddenly get old

I arrived back home last night to find the house in a bit of a state, with old newspapers piled up on the dinner table and a pile of broken glass sitting at the bottom of the hallway door, which had a big hole in it. Since then I’ve tidied up the mess, taped up a big piece of cardboard over the door and today took all the newspapers down to the recycling point in Amlwch.

There’s still lots of cleaning to do and a Christmas tree to put up, but that can wait until I’ve written a blog entry (now I’ve managed to set up a dial-up connection on the phone line).

Suddenly it seems I’m the one looking after my mother. Not being able to drive the car was the last remaining barrier to that happening and now I’ve got rid of that. Today I drove to the shops and she stayed at home, listening to the radio and reading through the TV guide. There’s loads more things that I need to sort out in the next nine days while I’m here, including some arrangements for what happens when I have to leave again.

I think this Christmas is going to be quite different from previous ones.

3 thoughts on “When your parents suddenly get old

  1. Hi will how’s it goin? thought i’d say hi as not spoken for a while-i know how the entire xmas thing goes though i spent years with xmas being all for ‘the kids’ and now its kinda the kida are here so they can do all xmas-?? crazy anyway hope u have a gd one nad i’ll see u in the new year im coming down before i move to oz to see u guys

    Rae xx

  2. I know how you feel. Aging parents are lovely for their wisdom and embarasing you in restaurants/public in general, but equally it brings things home that none of us really want to think about.

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