Time off

I’ve just spent the last two days in Birmingham generally hanging around over the course of the Pride weekend. Randomly hanging around big cities for a couple of days majorly rocks, it’s something I spent all summer doing in London but haven’t had the chance to do so much lately.

We went on the march on Saturday, which was good, but lacked something without the floats there. Got some good photos, though. I’ll try to post the rest sometime soon, but here’s one of Clare, Ali and Caz in the meantime.

Jamie’s birthday in Oxygen was also fun, though I suspect I would have enjoyed it slightly more if it wasn’t for the splitting headache I had by Saturday night and the lack of sleep from the night before…

Dancing around the kitchen

For some reason I’ve been in a really good mood since last night. It had been a while since I’d been to Bows, and it was nice to remind myself that I haven’t lost all social functions while I’ve been locked up on campus over the last few weeks.

I didn’t take my camera so there’s no ‘hilarious’ photos from the night, I’m afraid. Instead, here’s (another) photo of the sun setting over Heronbank I took a couple of days ago.


Either someone at the BBC is having a laugh, or we’re actually going to have some of the nicest weather this year in the run up to my exams. This soo isn’t going to help my revision…

Keeping sane

I’ve been a bit busy revising lately, hence the lack of posting and general life. My finals start on Tuesday and go on for 16 days, so I won’t be having much fun until they’re over.

Currently keeping me sane are good company and short walks around campus. Here’s a few photos I took last night.