Autumn colours

(Two entries in one day? Surely not!)

Inside the Great Conservatory

A beautiful afternoon for wandering around Syon Park, and another item ticked off the list. We arrived just in time for the last guided walk around the grounds, given by Syon’s head gardener, who had an amusingly dry manner and obviously knew more about plants than I could ever hope to! Quite inspiring and well worth the couple of quid admission.

Lunch time walk

Guards Club Bridge

October is good for taking photos. Today I spent my lunch break wandering around a tiny little wooded island in the middle of the Thames. Apparently not working in Central London has some pluses, after all :-).


I’ve uploaded a ton more photos from Sydney, Melbourne, the Radio 1 Athlete gig and Dan’s Birthday to the Flikr page. The Thailand photos can wait til another time, as can a picture of me to add to my profile.

Apparently I have 168 photos up there now – not bad for a critic, eh? Either I’m going to have to upgrade soon or else progress on the new “regenero-wabson” is going to have to be speeded up…

Update: Did I mention I’m in London this weekend? Call me if you want to meet up! 🙂

The day I met Jo Whiley

Radio 1 came to Northampton today, in the shape of Jo Whiley and her crew and staged an intimate gig at the Picturedrome just up the road from here, featuring Athlete. Me and Dave went along to get tickets from Market Square where they were giving them out beforehand and I ended up on the radio talking to Jo.

Me and Jo

Athlete’s performance was top-notch – possibly the best gig I’ve ever been to, in fact. Tomorrow I’m off to Virgin to buy a copy of Tourist. This is what music is all about!

Jo and Athlete on-stage

Thai Noodles

Whenever you’re stuck for somewhere to eat in a random place around the world, you can always trust the Rough Guide to locate a suitably unique establishment for you.

So today the mental preparations for Bangkok began with the eating of vegetable and tofu Thai noodles down a small side street in Byron Bay. I wish I could stay here for longer, and I also wish that I’d remembered to take the photo before I started eating the darned food.

Thai Noodles

Yippee for cybercafes that let you access the contents of your memory cards while you surf though! This place is on the ball.


It had to be done really, didn’t it?

Me in front of Sydney Opera House

Tomorrow morning I fly up to Cairns and the hot and wet conditions in Northern Queensland – very different from Sydney at the moment, which continues to creep into Spring.

More blog (and email) updates to follow, I promise!

Holiday photos

Slowly things are returning to normal as I get used to being back at work again after Gran Canaria. Not that it matters that much though, given I only have two weeks left before inter-railing in August.

View of Puerto Rico beach from the apartment

I haven’t really blogged much at all about the holiday at all, largely because I’ve been unable to put the whole experience into words very well. In summary it was a great week in the sun with all the normal holiday antics you might expect, but it’s taken a while to get used to normal life again.

I took a few photos, albeit not as many as some people managed. I’ve finally managed to put the half decent ones I took up on the web today, but they’re only on my work PC for now for bandwidth reasons. I’ll post them on when I get a chance, but don’t expect the full resolution versions on there.

Blogging from now until the end of the month is likely to be about as infrequent as it has over the last week – blame this on the fact that I don’t have net access at home at the moment and I’m gradually trying to ween myself off the Internet as access through August is likely to be somewhat sporadic at best.

Looking forward to: Big Gay Out next weekend


You know you’re drunk when you wander home taking photos of all the traffic signs that you pass on the way. Fortunately however, this time I wasn’t sat on top of any of them.

I think the finality of it all just hit me last night, in a way I’m not sure that it did last year. Back then I had no plans beyond having arranged a few weeks’ work to pay off the excesses of the previous few weeks. I certainly didn’t have any firm plans to leave Warwick, which is perhaps why I ended up staying for another year.

This time things are different. Last night was probably my last Top B ever.

Richie and Jamie

Longest day today!